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Thursday, June 24, 2004

The Grace of Pike's Peak

I'm not sure what is up with this town sometimes, but they live in Colorado Springs and just never see the HUGE mountain in their backyard. There is rarely a day that I do not look outside and admire this visible glimpse of God's majesty. But I guess if you live here all the time, you might just get used to it. Lately it's been kinda drab to look at - no snow, almost completely brown and dry. Not the greatest snapshot, but still majestic.

It was so amazing though... Last week you couldn't even see Pike's Peak. The weather was awful. Thunderstorms (which I love), lots of rain (which we need), gray skies (which reminds me of Wisconsin), and lots of fog (always fun). Plus it was COLD... like February, "what the heck is going on?" cold. But the mountains were surrounded by clouds -- just covered in dark clouds. Almost since I came back from camp it's been this way. But then, we got a little break in the weather and as I drove to work on Monday or Tuesday, I glanced over toward the mountain on the beautiful sunny morning...

The whole top of Pike's Peak was wrapped in a blanket of snow. I mean completely covered. It was probably more snow than in the winter (seemed to me anyway). It was so beautiful and gently reminded me of God's grace.

Often times we are going through some pretty tough storms in life. There are things just downpouring on us - career, family, friends, our spiritual walk. During those times we just ache, yearn for a little bit of sunshine. Seems like you can't even see ten feet in front of ya because the fog is so thick. Let alone can you see God in such times. It seems like He's abandoned you or doesn't care about what you are going through. It's like He's not there.

But then, the rains stop, and the clouds begin to roll away. A beam of sunlight peaks through and suddenly it's blue skies again. And then you see that God has been there whole time and He's been working during the tough times. Even when we thought He had left us bone dry - but instead covered us white as snow. I was blessed by that glimpse of grace a few mornings ago and felt I needed to share it here.

The last couple of years have been quite difficult for me. I felt at times that Jesus had abandoned me in my walk with Him. I realized more and more lately that He was there, blessing me the whole time. For that I'm grateful. I'm grateful for the place He's brought me to so far in this journey. And I know that even when the clouds are blocking my view - God is still there.


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