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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

How Big is Your Box for God?

I sat on a couch this afternoon and helped a fellow Young Life staffer stick labels on postcards. It doesn't sound that exciting, but he and I got on the topic of the power of the Holy Spirit - really addressing the question... How do you believe God is active in our lives through the Holy Spirit? Or... better yet... How big is your box for God?

I've had this conversation quite a few times in my journey and it is interesting how at different points in my own life, I am reluctant to put God back in that box, set Him up on my dresser and live life as I normally do - the way I want to. But I was reminded today that if God wants to speak to us through dreams, prophecy or even speaking in tongues or granting healing... who am I to say that He can't? Maybe I have not experienced God at work in such a way or maybe most of the time I hear about God doing such things, they are from flaky sources. But how then to I explain away the experiences of this trusted, respected brother in Christ?

Most of the time I think that God is active in my life or the lives of my friends and we don't even stop to notice what He's doing in our lives. We probably brush it off as another accomplishment of ours. Especially if you are in ministry - sure, we're used to the terminology of "God is doing this..." or "God is really working through that..." But I have a feeling that a lot of us actively involved in ministry say those kinds of things to appear humble and often time we think that it is because of our own giftedness. Then again, maybe that's just me.

I just have to wonder that God will always continue to get bigger to me. And if I feel like I can sum up His infinite glory or His complexity in a couple of books, than my arrogance is bigger than my God. Even John said that Jesus did so many things that all of the books would not fill the whole earth. Granted, back then they might have thought the earth was smaller, but I still believe that Jesus is far more than we could ever dream or imagine. Why else would He create such an infinite universe but to display His glory? Truly Amazing.


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