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Saturday, March 12, 2005

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Would you be mine?

It is one gorgeous day here in Texas - and while I may still wish that I was able to go hiking with my family in Colorado Springs, maybe at a place like Helen Hunt Falls, I was content to sit by the pool with Annie the dog. Five hours in the sun does wonders for the skin, but even more for the soul. Much like my recent cruise, sitting and reading a book took most of my time today. It was great to journal - to get outside in "creation." I use that lightly because I live in Dallas, a place made of more concrete than I care to imagine. But I did have the white noise of streaming waters, even if they were from the pool. The breeze was certainly swaying, the birds were chirping, and golf carts were whizzing by. The sound of sirens blaring in the background, as puffy white clouds drifted by.

But the sun was warm on my face and the breeze cool to my skin - so I enjoyed it. Sure, it may not be the peacefulness of a rushing waterfall in Colorado. Nor do I see the majesty of Pike's Peak from my backyard. But I did enjoy a 75 degree afternoon of lounging and reading in my new bathing suit. Annie kept me company (even though she's been driving me nuts all week) and guarded me from any golfer who tried to get to close.

I sat and read a psalm - 102, actually. You hear the cry in this man's words for God to reveal Himself, to speak to his heart. That was me today. Sometimes I feel as though I'm withering away as the psalmist puts it. Things in life seem empty, shallow. I realized today (again, seems that God has to teach this to me over and over) that it is in those times that I realize I've been so wrapped up in myself. I worry about my life, my ministry, my future husband, my future children, my time, my finances, my outward appearance, my loneliness. And I pray about these things constantly - but it's still all about me. It's a selfish thorn in my side that often draws all of my attention.

But I love the way this psalmist then turns his attention toward the Lord - His compassion, His renown that endures forever, His favor, His name, His glory. He also turns his attention to others and what God will do for them - He rebuilds Zion, He responds to their prayers. By the end of this man's prayer, he realizes everything in the earth and heavens will perish, but the Lord will remain. My life is so temporary and while it may have eternal significance - it is not for me to worry about.

And so it comes down to this - Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor. A constant lesson.


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